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And the task..? - y la tarea..?

I'm a person who can do a little crazy stuff, I can jump off a second floor without fear, I can crash a car, I can drive a car without the rear-view mirrors and I can miss three classes in a row and I want to talk to you about what happened to me for not having entered a class. A few months ago in high School, I had a bad experience, I was in School with some classmates, with Érick, Javier, Ernesto and Benjamin to be precise, that day we decided not to enter the math class, because I did not have time the math Homework, so we continued to hide behind a clasroom, everything was fine and we already felt that task, but... ! Oh susprise¡ A teacher noticed our precense in the back of the room, when we saw the teacher approaching we ran away but that was useless since we met the principal, at that moment the principal began to ask us what were doing outside, we all stayed thinking we could tell him, but  I don't know anything happened to us , so the principal took us to His office, t

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Y la tarea...?

Fútbol Mexicano